Thursday, July 26, 2007

Tiptoeing Through the Stuff

If we do not make a zillion billion dollars at Saturday's yard sale, it will not be due to lack of wherewithall.

This is what my living room has looked like for the last 2 weeks. Stuff from co-workers, stuff from neighbors, stuff from families of the kids' friends, stuff from my boss, stuff from my own extended family members. Terrific stuff, some of it; junky stuff, some of it. And there is supposedly more stuff coming. Even with borrowing every folding table on the block, I'm still not going to have enough space to display it all.

Pray for us.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for selling us a dog biscuit today outside the co-op -- our dog Quincy loved it! Like your blog, too. Good luck with the fundraising.

RuthWells said...

Thanks for commenting, Bob! I'm glad Quincy enjoyed the biscuits. Don't forget to leave me your blog address, too....