Wednesday, July 4, 2007

I am surrounded by writers.

My mother is a Bona Fide writer -- a published poet, no less, and she journals daily, almost obsessively. My grandmother, at the ripe age of *redacted*, is also a published writer, with several essays having appeared in the newsletter of her assisted living community. My dad, an electrical engineer, is a writer of yet another sort; an eminent researcher, he has published multiple papers in his field. My older brother blogs; he likes having people argue politics with him (I gave that up years ago). My husband is an avid blog reader and commenter; he has lots of opinions about stuff that I find quite exhausting. He also writes wonderful song lyrics.

I am not a journal-keeper (at least, not since the agony of adolescence passed), I am not a writer (if you don't count writing the occasional strategic plan for work), I am not much of a navel-gazer, and I'm no longer an exhibitionist. I belong to only two chat boards and realized recently that I comment rarely. I am a listener, a reader, amongst talkers and storytellers. I'm the last person in the world I'd expect to be blogging.

So what's the story? The story is, we -- my husband, two boys, and I -- are embarking on an ambitious, scary project, and I want to document it. If anyone else finds it interesting to read about, that's cool. But mostly, I want to be able to look back on this summer and see it whole; to be able to point with pride at what we (hopefully) will accomplish, and to leave a record that my kids can tuck into their memory books to pull out and thumb over when they are grown.

No pressure.


Marcia said...

Your writing is really engaging,as is your family. Love the pictures and what you're all doing this summer.

Anonymous said...

Good for you! Love your project and hope you raise both money and awareness. Hugs to your darling guys.