Thursday, July 19, 2007

Holy Cow!

I just did the math, and between the bake sale and direct gifts through the web site, we've raised over $1000!! I'm beside myself! We're having a yard sale next Saturday as yet another way to boost fundraising, and the article about the whole project will be in tomorrow's local paper. Yowsa! (Fundraising was never this much fun when I did it for a living -- I wonder why that is? ; )

Did I mention what we're baking for Week Three? Iced whole wheat zucchini muffins from the King Arthur Flour Whole Grain Baking book, and Dorie's excellent Midnight Crackle cookies and Ginger Spice cookies. The muffins are already done (but un-iced) and dough for both cookies is in the fridge. Michael is out for the evening and once the kids are down, I just may make a big bowl of popcorn and slug about in bed watching bad reality TV for a few hours. Heaven.


Sue said...

you are a marvel, kiddo. :-)

wish I had known about the yard sale sooner, I just may have made the trip - even added stuff to your pile for you to sell.

If you do another one, give me a heads up. Good luck!!
(and congrats on that total raised so far - awesome!)

RuthWells said...

It never occurred to me that you might consider driving 6+ hours to attend a yard sale -- I can't imagine why. ; )

I will let you know if there is a repeat -- if we have a lot of stuff that doesn't sell this weekend, we may do another in September.