Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Death by Zucchini

With all the baking and fundraising and whatnot, my gardening time has been pretty scarce this summer. Luckily, we've had sufficient rain at convenient intervals, and I haven't had to water (much). Therefore, my garden attention has been limited to thrice-weekly tomato picking and once-weekly Swiss chard picking. The (!@*&#) bunnies munched the pole beans a few weeks back (hence no beans to pick), and I grow yellow-skinned zucchini ('Gold Rush') that are usually pretty easy to spot and pluck at the right youthful moment. So, pretty low-maintenance, right?

I should have known my laissez-faire attitude would get me in trouble eventually. Look what the zucchini plants did when my back was turned.

The only hope for it was to butcher them, scrape out the seeds, and shred them in the Cuisinart. I now have 13 pounds of shredded zucchini in my freezer. Who wants some?

Here are the offending plants. Notice how they have taken over the pathway.

I swear, I can hear them snickering at me when I go out there.


KevinWC said...

When I grow up, I'm going to make a movie about mutant zucchini menacing a small town. Apparently, I should come to your yard to cast the picture.

Here's another entry for your Places To Visit list: Fred Clark's blog at Slacktivist. LB Fridays alone are worth the price of admission (which is, y'know, free), and there's lots more bloggerly goodness as well.

Keep up the good work, and I hope we'll see you soon!

RuthWells said...

My actors work cheap -- anything chocolate for the big one, Cheetos for the little one. Entourage and trailer size negotiable.